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Keynote Lectures

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Sjaak Brinkkemper, Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands

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Jordi Solé-Casals, Data and Signal Processing Group, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, Spain

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Peter Kharchenko, Altos Labs San Diego Institute of Science, United States

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Jun Xu, Nanjing Univ. of Info. Sci. & Tech., China


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Sjaak Brinkkemper
Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University

Brief Bio
Prof. Dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper is full professor of Software Production at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He leads a group of about twenty-five researchers specialized in large-scale software product development and software entrepreneurship. The main research themes of the group are the methodology of software production, digital ecosystems, IT sustainability, and requirements engineering. Brinkkemper's research interests: software production, requirements engineering, software architecture, and method engineering. In 2018 he started the Care2Report research program on the architecting and development of automated reporting in societal sectors, such as healthcare, police, and business analysis.

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Jordi Solé-Casals
Data and Signal Processing Group, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia

Brief Bio
Jordi Solé-Casals received the Ph. D. degree with European label in 2000, and the B.Sc. degree in Telecommunications in 1995, both from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. In 1994 he joined the Department of Digital and Information Technologies of the University of Vic, where he is currently associate Professor. He is the Head of the Data and Signal Processing Research Group and maintains active collaborations with many international research groups. He was Visiting Research with the Gipsa-Lab in Grenoble (France), LABSP-RIKEN in Tokyo (Japan) and BMU in Cambridge (United Kingdom). Currently, he continues these relations with these laboratories. His research interests are in neurosciences, biometrics, statistical signal processing, machine learning, neural networks, source separation and independent component analysis.

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Peter Kharchenko
Altos Labs San Diego Institute of Science
United States

Brief Bio
Dr. Peter Kharchenko is a Principal Investigator at the Altos Labs San Diego Institute of Science. Prior to joining Altos, Peter was a Gilbert S. Ommen Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. His group has developed key methods for genomic analysis of single cells, enabling statistical separation of distinct cellular states, detection of genomic aberrations in transcriptional data, and inference of cellular dynamics from snapshots of cellular state. His group has also applied these approaches to study the organization of different tissues and the impact of diseases ranging from cancer to schizophrenia. At Altos, Peter’s group studies how cells coordinate their activity within complex biological tissues, how these mechanisms break down in the context of aging or disease, and investigate the potential interventions that may improve tissue function. Much of the effort is focused on development and application of novel statistical methods and computational tools for understanding tissue function, including analysis of multi-omics and spatial assays.

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Jun Xu
Nanjing Univ. of Info. Sci. & Tech.

Brief Bio
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