DEMS 2025 Abstracts

Area 1 - DEMS

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 5

ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation


Alba Puyuelo Citoler, Jungna Lee and Eunji Lee

Abstract: The use of snus among Swedish youth is increasing, becoming a growing public health concern due to its associated health risks. To help individuals quit addictive behaviours such as snus consumption, mobile health applications have emerged as accessible and cost-effective tools. This project presents ExSnus, a mobile application prototype designed to support users in quitting snus by employing strategies based on a persuasive systems design framework. The application combines social interaction and self-monitoring to address key factors influencing snus use, such as social influence, cultural normalization, and health concerns. This approach ensures that ExSnus not only supports behavioural change but also provides an accessible tool tailored to the needs of young users.

Paper Nr: 6

Feasibility of Driver Monitoring for Sudden Cardiac Illness Detection


Anna Sjörs Dahlman, Stefan Candefjord, Xuezhi Zeng, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist and Kaj Lindecrantz

Abstract: A relatively large proportion of fatalities on our roads are due to sudden illness in drivers, with the majority of these cases attributed to cardiovascular disease. Being able to detect and manage these sudden events could save many lives. This paper consolidates results from a literature review and three small-scale studies that investigated and developed the possibilities of detecting sudden driver illness by measuring physiological signals from cardiac activity with unobtrusive sensors including single-lead Electrocardiogram (ECG), consumer-grade pulse sensors, and research grade radar technology. In general, the experiments have shown that there is potential for the evaluated technologies to help detect and quantify cardiac illness events, but significant development is needed to implement the technologies in real-world driving. It is challenging to succeed in detecting driver states with high accuracy based on measurements of cardiac activity alone due to both individual variations in heart activity patterns and an environment that complicates measurements, and additional data from other sensors is probably needed. Physiological monitoring of drivers is challenging due to vehicle vibrations, the driver's movements and thick clothing. There is a need for further research and development of unobtrusive measurement technologies to detect driver states.

Paper Nr: 7

Introducing Virtuality - Virtual Care Process Simulator: A Concept Utilizing Synthetic Data and a Digital Health Sandbox for Care Process Simulations


Fanny Apelgren, Mattias Seth, Hoor Jalo, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist and Stefan Candefjord

Abstract: To design effective and safe IT systems for healthcare is a significant technical and societal challenge, and it is of highest importance to confirm safety of patients when implementing new innovations. It would be beneficial if new innovations could be verified and validated in a realistic and safe digital environment using data that preserve patient integrity and safety, before going into real clinical trials and market release. In this article we introduce and describe Virtuality - Virtual Care Process Simulator, a concept for realistic simulation of healthcare scenarios in a digital sandbox environment using synthetic health data. The concept represents a safe environment to develop, test and prepare systems and digital tools for usage in healthcare.