Scale-IT-up 2020 Abstracts

Area 1 - Scale-IT-up

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

The Nature of Digital Innovation and What Can Be Learned for Information Systems Management


Stefanie Kaczmarek, Martin Benedict and Marcel Susky

Abstract: In all spheres of life, the ongoing digital transformation has led to an increasing variety of definitions, types, and characteristics of digital innovation. However, the diversity of terminology regarding digital innovation may cause confusion about the general concepts in this context. Therefore, the objective of this study is to provide a descriptive insight into the nature of digital innovation. Our paper shows how digital innovation has altered since its emergence in the field of information systems re-search. This change of understanding has an impact on the design of information systems. Following a systematic literature review, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the identified vocabulary was conducted to gain types and characteristics of digital innovation. Based on these characteristics, we describe how digital innovation influences information systems. We focus on hospital information systems as a case example from the healthcare sector.

Paper Nr: 3

The Doctor Will See Yourself Now: Review and Discussion of a Mass-market Self-service Technology for Medical Advice


Joseph Ollier and Tobias Kowatsch

Abstract: Leveraging new technological tools in medical service delivery has been shown as important factor adding scalability and/or value to patient care. However, as of yet, relatively little research has focused on the implementation of mass-market digital health products to address population needs. The current paper examines one such tool; a browser-optimized smartphone app developed by a major Swiss health insurance, offering validated medical information for patients to identify the optimal care path of action (i.e. self-care, pharmacy visit, general practitioner visit, hospital visit). Summary statistics of usage data from 149 922 users over 6 months are outlined, overviewing; (i) key usage cases for the service over time, (ii) for whom the app was used, (iii) dropout rates and potential design pitfalls. Possible themes are identified such as the importance of additional information regarding privacy or service/usage experience information, and some considerations for both the research, design and implementation communities.

Paper Nr: 5

IT-Governance in Integrated Care: A Risk-centred Examination in Germany


Lena Otto

Abstract: Health care systems face several challenges regarding costs and effectiveness. Integrated care networks and usage of application systems (as automated part of information systems) are two approaches to overcome these challenges. To fully reach their potential, a seamless process is mandatory. IT governance frameworks help health care organisations to implement an integrative risk management. Nevertheless, a network-centred approach, e.g. necessary for integrated care networks, is not in focus of existing frameworks, such as COBIT or ITIL. Therefore, the following article evaluates how selected frameworks can be used for risk management. A literature analysis and a case study of the German health care system are conducted focussing on confidentiality, integrity, and availability in integrated care networks’ application systems. Findings suggest that inter-organisational risk management is especially influenced by the increased need for coordination and the autonomy of network partners. Finally, the main aspects necessary for using the evaluated frameworks within an integrated care context are shown.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 7

Digital Innovation in Outpatient Healthcare Delivery Services: A Common Methodology to Introduce IoT Technologies in Two Use-cases


Salomé Azevedo and Ana Rita Londral

Abstract: The introduction of digital innovation in established healthcare pathways needs collaborative work among technology providers and clinical teams. Further, the involvement of patients is a key-factor as a highly-impact resource in the design of effective services and sustainable innovation in Healthcare. This paper presents two use-cases where a common methodology is being applied in two different hospitals, to digitize outpatient healthcare pathways using IoT technologies for remote monitoring patients at home. The methodology is driven by principles of user-centered design and focused on outpatient outcomes measurement. It is described in three steps: ”as-is” process design, process mapping for the new service and deployment strategy. From context requirements to results evaluation, clinical teams and patients are actively involved in the service design.

Paper Nr: 8

Swiss Francs Seem to Make Insured Move: Comparing Daily and Monthly Financial Incentives of a Scalable Digital Health Intervention


Gisbert W. Teepe and Tobias Kowatsch

Abstract: Despite the widely known necessity to counteract the increase in physical inactivity, only small strides have been achieved so far. Digital health interventions (DHIs) are proposed to reach both healthy and at-risk populations on a large scale. However, designing scalable DHIs that are engaging in the long term remains a challenge. Small financial incentives may help to achieve such long-lasting behaviour changes. This work thusly investigates the effects of daily or monthly paid small financial incentives on step counts and goal achievements in physical activity. Six-month observational field data of a physical activity DHI (PADHI), offered by a Swiss health insurer, was used for this investigation. From 1623 contacted customers, 742 (45.7%) joined the PADHI. Step counts and times the challenging goal was reached were significantly higher in the condition of daily paid incentives. The findings from objectively measure daily step counts and goal achievements indicate better outcomes when incentives are paid daily. Further findings indicate the importance of recording various physical activities and not only step counts.