Special Session RAPID-Bio 2010 Abstracts

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 3



Jose Luis Gomez Ribelles, Francisco Forriol, Manuel Monleon Pradas, Carmen Carda, María Sancho-Tello and Roberto García Gómez

Abstract: A variety of polymer scaffolds with pore architecture consisting of interconnected spherical pores with the same architecture but varying mechanical properties (in particular elastic modulus), water sorption capacity, pore surface characteristics (surface tension, presence of hydrophilic groups or electric charges) was prepared and implanted in a 3mm diameter full thickness defects in the knee joint cartilage of rabbits in order to show the influence of the scaffold properties on the histological characteristics of the regenerated tissue.

Paper Nr: 5

MIRACLE: a CAD/CAM System for the manufacture of dental surgical splints


Valery Naranjo, Roberto Lloréns, Beatriz Rey, Mariano Alcañiz, Salvador Albalat, Juan Fayos and Iñigo Morales

Abstract: Nowadays, design and manufacturing process of dental prosthesis is very handmade, time consuming and has a raised economic cost. Besides that, there is no objective methodology for the fulfillment of its functional design specifications. This paper presents the global idea of MIRACLE project whose objective is the development and validation of an intelligent system for the design, simulation and flexible manufacture of implant-supported dental prostheses. The developed system in MIRACLE is a CAD/CAM system which allows to test the functional characteristics of dental prostheses considering mandible-maxilla interaction (called occlusion) using virtual models, contrary to most commercial solutions where this test is performed using expensive anatomical replicas tested with mechanical articulators and evaluated with patients. Another objective of MIRACLE is to develop a parametric finite elements model (FEM) of the whole prosthesis in order to analyze the failure risk of dental implants and prostheses before its surgical implantation enabling a re-design process. This paper is focused on the CAD/CAM subsystem developed in order to automatize the process of manufacturing surgical guides using several 3D models of the patient dental anatomy. A summarized version of the image processing step will be also presented. The CAD/CAM subsystem has been clinically validated achieving mean errors less than 5 degrees in the placement of the prosthetic crowns.

Paper Nr: 6



Andres Diaz Lantada, Juan Manuel Muñoz-Guijosa, Pilar Lafont Morgado, Javier Echavarri Otero, Jose Luis Muñoz Sanz and Julio Muñoz-Garcia

Abstract: Shape-memory polymers are active materials with thermomechanical coupling and a high capability to recover from high levels of deformation, which, combined with their low cost and density has favoured the appearance of numerous applications, particularly those linked to the Medical Industry. In many cases, these materials are of medical standard, which increases the chances of obtaining biocompatible devices. In the last decade enormous progress has been made on many areas, regarding these materials, such as synthesis, characterization, activation, prototyping and others, aimed at improving their applicability. However, various spheres of action require additional in depth research to promote the production start-up of various shape-memory polymer-based devices that have had laboratory validation. One of these areas of improvement is linked to the activation systems of SMPs. This work sets outs the possibility of obtaining a more homogeneous heating processes for an optimal activation of the “shape-memory effect”, which promotes the geometric changes of such devices. These improvements are based on the development of net-shaped SMP structures to which silver thread is knitted for subsequent activation through Joule heating. First prototypes and trials are explained in detail, as well as the possible biomedical applications of this concept.

Paper Nr: 8

Rapid Prototyping of 3D Anatomical Models to Hemodynamic Studies


Luis Queijo, Rui Lima and Vania Freitas

Abstract: The purpose of this work is mainly to manufacture several anatomical models in a polymeric material – polydimensiloxane (PDMS) to study the blood flow through a carotid artery bifurcation. Over the last few decades, research has been shown that the geometry of the carotid artery is closely related to the development of serious cardiovascular diseases. Hence, there is a considerable interest in the development of in vitro experimental techniques able to obtain accurate measurements of the blood flow behavior through a realistic carotid artery. In this study we decide to apply rapid prototyping (RP) technologies combined with a PDMS casting technique in order to fabricate an anatomically realistic model of a human carotid to investigate, in a near future, the effect of the geometry on the local hemodynamics and consequently improve the understanding of the origin and development of these pathologies. Based on a human carotid computerized tomography (TC) it has been developed a 3D model through the application of two rapid prototyping techniques – Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Tridimensional Printing (TDP). By combining the rapid prototyping techniques with a PDMS casting technique it was possible at the end to obtain an anatomically transparent model of a human carotid artery made by an elastomeric material, i.e. PDMS. Hence, we believe that this combination is a promising technique to perform in vitro blood studies through anatomically realistic models, such as a carotid artery.