NNSNT 2019 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 5

Translingual Neurostimulation in Late Residual Stage Cerebral Palsy Children Treatment Affects Functional Brain Networks


A. Yu. Efimtsev, T. S. Ignatova, A. G. Trufanov, A. G. Levchuk, G. E. Trufanov, E. N. Kondratyeva, N. Yu. Shmedyk, A. M. Sarana, S. G. Shcherbak and Yu. P. Danilov

Abstract: Management of cerebral palsy is an actual problem of modern medicine. A new direction of neurorehabilitation, intensively discussed in modern science and practice, includes various types of electrical stimulation. Constant stimulation of the nervous system is one of the most popular ways to activate neural networks to activate the brain and initiate neuroplasticity processes. Participants in the experiment were children with cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia form at the age of 6 to 19 (n = 6) (mean age - 17,9 ± 5,6 years). All subjects underwent standard treatment, including massage, therapeutic gymnastics simulators, robotic mechanotherapy, etc., which lasted 20-25 minutes with neurostimulation of the brain (using a PoNS device). All subjects underwent a resting state functional MRI once before and twice - after neurostimulation course. Results indicate positive dynamics in all subjects: most of them learned walking without aids, obtained decreased muscle tonus and improvement in balance, coordination function were noted. Neurostimulation with the PoNS device combined with curative gymnastics (focused exercises), improves the efficiency of motor functions and the development of motor skills. Resting state functional MRI showed improvement in brain networks. If performed properly, it can be an auxiliary method of objective control of treatment effectiveness.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 1

A Biophysical Approach to the Prevention of Cancer Diseases


Nadezhda V. Vdovina, Stanislav N. Darovskikh and Darya V. Kochkina

Abstract: There has been carried out the analysis of general patterns observed in life activity of microorganisms and cancer cells. Then theoretical and experimental studies have revealed reduction in resistance properties of microorganisms, when using simulated low-intensity solar microwave radiation within microwave range. These findings have allowed to lay the foundation for the hypothesis of using the said radiation in preventing oncological diseases. The device for simulating solar microwave radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth plays the central role in practical implementation of this hypothesis. It makes it possible to simulate various types of microwave radiation that corresponds to undisturbed and disturbed Sun in the frequency range of (4.0-4.3) GHz with a variable intensity not exceeding 100 μW/cm2. The use of this device provides a real opportunity to counteract development of cancer diseases.

Paper Nr: 4

Processing the Results of Electroencephalography for Patients Suffering from Depression after Neuro-electrostimulation Course: Case Study


Vladimir Kublanov and Anton Dolganov

Abstract: The article presented the results of electroencephalography (EEG) signal processing in a case study of neuro-electrostimulation application for patients suffering from depression. Neuro-electrostimulation was performed by the SYMPATHOCOR-01 device in two modes - multichannel and single-channel stimulation. The analysis of changes in the EEG activity maps during neuro-electrostimulation course was carried out. The common conclusion for all patients is an increase in the homogeneity for the distribution of spectral power density for EEG signals. A quantitative method for estimating the level of the brain zones activation was proposed. For patients from the multichannel stimulation group, an increase in the activation level was observed. It was noted that for patients from the single-channel stimulation group there were zones in which a significant decrease in the level of activation was observed.

Paper Nr: 2

Application of Multichannel Electrical Stimulation of the Neck Nervous Structures in Patients with Depressive Disorders: An fMRI Case Study


Vladimir Kublanov, Timur Petrenko and Aleksandr Efimtcev

Abstract: The article presents the pilot functional neuroimaging study results of the treatment process by means neuro-electrostimulator SYMPATHOCOR-01 in patients with depressive disorder. The study involved three patients. The changes in the brain's default mode network (DMN) as a result of neuro-electrostimulation course are demonstrated. Along with clinical improvement (HDRS-21 and BDI-II scales), changes in DMN's performance from neuroimaging data are shown. An increase in the medial prefrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus functional connection activity with various parts of the brain was noted. These changes indicate the activation of neuroplasticity processes and restoring the work of DMN in patients with depression.

Paper Nr: 3

On Some Possibilities of Organizing a Mobile Hardware-information System for Polyfactorial Neuro-electrostimulation


Vladimir Kublanov, Mikhail Babich and Anton Dolganov

Abstract: In paper the organizational principles of the mobile hardware-information system for polyfactorial neuro-electrostimulation were considered. It was shown that the system can be implemented by three functionally separate blocks, one of which ensures the formation of a spatially distributed field of current pulses, the second is the specialized interface for the patient, and the third is the specialized interface for the doctor. The exchange of information between the blocks is provided by a telemetric communication channel or via the global network using mobile wearable computers (which can include a personal computer, tablet or smartphone). A personalized patient information system can be implemented on the basis of the neuro-electrostimulation system. In this case patient data can be placed on the server of the medical institution. The prospects for using artificial intelligence and machine learning to control the treatment process were discussed.